07 Kh Rim

Where can i buy an 07 kh rim in the usa


udc, bedford, compulsion cycles.

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles.

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles.

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles.

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles

udc, bedford, compulsion cycles.

don’t look at me. i’m just a sheep. BAAAAH.

compulsion cycles, bedford, Udc.

wa-ho I’m diferent

Bedford if you want it colorful:)or even if you dont

orange is ghey so dont get that (does look good tho) but yer UDC, BEDFORD, and just now i hear that you can shop at compulsion cycles.

have we answered your question?

i dotn like bedford

why? I bet yove never shopped from him and think that his prices are in USD

I second that! even though this is my brothers and not mine.

Wow cool, that looks awesome. Darren just got some lime green parts powder coated too, I bet it looks really nice.



What’s the diff between Hard Core and Hard Core Air, for trials and muni?

dats purty!