I have a 29er and would like to work on short speed distance.

What are the best kind of cycling shoes for unicycles.

I am confused with road and mountain cycling shoes.

generally speaking, you’ll find most people would advise against using clipless pedals, and that is primarily what bicycle shoes are made for. the main thing is to find shoes that you find comfortable for riding. there are a lot of threads about this already, so i’d encourage you to look around.
here are some general things to look for:
-you should make sure you have good bmx-style pedals on your uni w/ plenty of grip, and a nice stable platform (most have removable pins, and if they feel too grippy you can just remove a few pins).
-you can use pretty much any shoe you are comfortable with, but it’s best if the sole is pretty flat (high arches and aggressive tread can make your foot grip the pedal unevenly, or in awkward positions).
-if you are doing distance riding, the shoe should have good support (somewhat rigid, but still allowing for good pedal control)

-my personal choices are: good solid skate shoes for muni, and trail runners for speed and distance

As long as it doesn’t have shoe laces I’m happy… I end up wrapping the laces around the pedals and cranks eventually. Thank goodness for velcro! I like using these: http://www.nbwebexpress.com/newbalanceMW576VK.htm

Tuck your lases in. Haha.

threadjack Hey, its great to see another rider on the forums from Minnesota!

I personally now ride with 661 reflex spd. They have STIFF soles in them, which works well because i do trials riding.

you don’t actually use spd’s do ya?? i know some do, but i’d like to be able to bail…

Naw, i dont. I might at some point though. An untapped tallentish sorta thing. It might be able to work really well. Since, its either your gonna stick it, or your gonna break something.

"Do a crankflip!‘’

edit: but yeah, i dont ride, and, at this point and time, i dont see one really. I mean, it’d be wicked sweet to ride with spd’s, and say you can ride with them, but its expensive, and dangerous.