Singltrek pod Smrkiem CZ/PL Muni weekend

“Singltrek pod Smrkiem” is located in Izerskie Mountains in two European countries: Czech Republic and Poland.

At some weekend of November I’m going to ride the trail with my friends. The exact term is not decided yet. So, those who are interested in participation of the ride may submit proposal for the time they prefer.

The most likely we are going to arrive scene at Saturday morning, meet in Singltrek Cetre in Nove Mesto and ride together selected tracks for all day.

At Sunday we may organize some race for those attracted in competing.

No awards guaranteed, no sunny days booked. Presence of pretty girls and athletic boys much more possible if You come? :wink:


If You are interested please give us most appropriate dates. Soon we will considerate all votes and make final decision, when.

I definitely would like to come.
10th-11th and 17th-18th are possible weekends for me.

My proposal is to meet at 10th-11th Nov. It’s really soon. Keep Your unis ready!

Meeting will take place at 10th and 11th of November. We stay in Youth Hostel in Kamien for 25 pln per person. Anybody who want participate may ask me for advice or help with transport.

Currently there are just 3 of us from Poland, but we kindly invite everyone around. Especially ones from Czech Republic and eastern part of Germany as it is relatively close to you.