Quick Release Bearing holders (Tested!)

Hello everyone!

Yes, I’ve got Quick Release bearing holders on my uni! I’ve made my frame about 2 months ago, I never posted pictures because I wanted to test it before getting tons of questions. It’s a frame for my Muni, currently has a 650B wheel with a Schlumpf hub and disk brake, I switch alot between this wheel and my DH wheel which is a Qu-Ax 26" wheel.

The “problem” was, unless I used a super long allen key (which I dont have), taking my wheel out and back in took about 20 minutes when going fast, because of the 180mm rotor in the way. The Quick Release bearing holders make it much faster, it still need a little bit of improvement but that can be done with a grinder haha.

I have almost 1000kms on it at the moment, I never had a problem with it, I did mostly road riding but I went riding some techy and steep muni alot on it too, no problems at all! The clamps are also pointing the same direction as the wheel is turning. That means, if for some reason the clamps are not tight enough and fall, they should not get stuck in the disk brake!

Using Quick Release bearing holders, the frame is about 80g heavier. Not noticable. I think it’s awesome to have them, but I wouldn’t mind having normal bolts. I think that years ago when people started thinking about them it would not have been as cool as it is today with disk brakes. I plan on using 3 different wheel sizes in the same frame (26, 27,5 and 29). All I have to do is adjusting the brake for the disk and I’m ready to ride!

I got some pictures for you :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think!

I think that’s an awesome idea, obviously mostly useful for those who use multiple wheels but still pretty nice for fixing popped tubes!

Is only one side of the bearing holder bolted on? If not, how is the other bolt done? :smiley:

Popping tubes is not the problem when your setup it tubeless! :stuck_out_tongue: It’s awesome when switching wheels in a hurry though. it takes about 2 minutes to take the wheel out!

There’s one side with a bolt, but if you look at the last picture, you can see that the bolt can rotate, so no need to unscrew it or anything. It’s 100% tool-less setup! :slight_smile:

I’ll make a little video of it soon!

Awesome job, Jakob! Love your work!

really great job!!!

That’s something i really waited for a long time…and i’ve probably waiting longer…

i run two geared wheeleets on my triton… quick release bearing holders would make it so much easier….

when can i buy one? :slight_smile:


The point of the quick release is that I can buy one good brake and use all different wheels with one frame. I’m doing pretty much the same thing as you, switching wheels for different rides all the time, I’m happy it’s fast now!

I wont be offering these on my frame soon (unless some really really wants them but the price will go with it), there’s lots of modifications to do on the bearing holders and my set doesn’t look really prefessionnal since it was all done with a grinder and a dremel. So for now I think it would be too expensive to be worth it. It sure is an option I’d like to offer in the futur at an affordable price though :slight_smile:

Suppose a buyer “really really wants them”…

Somehow I missed this entire thread. Suppose a buyer “really really wants them.” Are these still a possibility on one of your frames? Understanding that “the price will go with it.”

I know Jakob is interested in producing a better design than this. So maybe not available now, but hopefully in the following year